
What makes RepPros different from other companies? Simply put, we care and are different, in that, we work for you. Our experience + our valued partnerships = value that no other individual company can provide. We are not a new brand or company scrambling to find an audience or an identity. We know our customers, we know how valuable you are, we know what you expect, and we have the right service option for you!

Our services include



Worker's Comp


The Finest Transportation Service Providers

As a former customer ourselves we know the needs of our valued clients and, as a result, have partnered with some of the largest companies in the country to provide the wide range of services our customers need to support their business operations.


State-of-the art telecommunications and IT infrastructure

Your IT infrastructure dictates how your business can grow, innovate, and change. Let California Telecom set you up for success! Our managed services give your business the resources you thought were only available to corporations. We’ll take care of the IT – you focus on growing your business.


Payroll, Worker's Compensation and Operations Support

As part of our program, we proudly represent one of the largest Professional Employer Organizations in the country BBSI. BBSI’s human resource professionals will help you navigate the complexities of being an employer in a constantly evolving business landscape, and they work with you to shape the culture and structure of what you’ve been working to build.

The Company’s integrated platform is built upon its expertise in • Workers’ Compensation Coverage • Payroll Administration • Risk and Safety Consulting • Human Resource Administration • Organizational Development Consulting and is supported by over 55 local branches creating a unique high-touch operational model that differentiates them from the competition.


Commercial Recycling and IT Asset Management

Recover revenue and responsibly recycle your ITAD equipment, surplus electronics liquidation, R2 Certified commercial product recycling, on-site DoD level data eradication.